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Palette Pals

       Palette Pals is a weekly art club that I have been 

involved in since freshman year. Though the name wasn't

always "Palette Pals", it has always been art club. In the past, 

I have been a member, secretary, vice president, and I'm currently

president. In years previous, art club has been a chance for students to spend extra time on class projects and use mediums that aren't often practiced in the classroom, such as oil paints. As president of art club, I made it my own this year by organizing weekly activities that each of the members can participate in. I also make sure that snack is available every week and sometimes organize parties to celebrate various holidays. Our largest parties, the Halloween party and the Christmas party are described below with examples of the presentations that would be shown at each meeting.

       The club is relevant to the creation of the Art Festival because in order to allow students to sell artwork at the festival, we needed a club to funnel the collected funds into. Art club was also a place where I could notify students of Art Festival updates and encourage them to participate either through submitting artwork or volunteering for the night of the event.

Halloween Party


       The Palette Pals Halloween Party was complete with a snack table with Halloween snack mix, candy, fruit, and vegetables as well as a pumpkin carving/decorating contest. The first, second, and third place winners of the contest were awarded with miniature gift basket hand-made by myself. Click here to see the power point from this meeting.

Christmas Party

       The Palette Pals Christmas party included a gingerbread house building activity and Christmas music to celebrate the holiday together before winter break. This was the most enjoyed meeting among the members of the club and some of their houses are featured in the images below and to the right. Click here to see the power point from this meeting.

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